- If
and q
are larger than the current node, find the LCA in the right tree
- If
and q
are smaller than the current node, find the LCA in the left tree
- If they are on both sides of the current node, the current node is their LCA
* Definition for a binary tree node.
* public class TreeNode {
* int val;
* TreeNode left;
* TreeNode right;
* TreeNode(int x) { val = x; }
* }
class Solution {
public TreeNode lowestCommonAncestor(TreeNode root, TreeNode p, TreeNode q) {
if (p.val > root.val && q.val > root.val) {
return lowestCommonAncestor(root.right, p, q);
} else if (p.val < root.val && q.val < root.val) {
return lowestCommonAncestor(root.left, p, q);
} else {
return root;